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Never Try to Explain Mark Twain with George Orwell .
either didactically mark my words or well
stay in your animal farm with Huck Finn and a certain Tom Sawyer !

https://swordpress.com.ng amazing word for today
simply means a secretary or scribe

why oyinbo man go call am that beats me honestly
i would have called it an “anti laimohammed” human being

there was this guy that we thought could lai better i forget his name ? he was of igbo extraction i think Late Senator Uche Chukwumerije God Rest His Soul .

that both had The eponym of God from the Igbo language and The Muslim Faithful i think is no mistake juxtaposed for effect by Heavens Calvinist wheel of fortune .
mind you Femi Adesina is a true Acolyte and prospective Record Breaker … the Hausa/Fulani are too busy being President to bother about such Hitler Goebellised Servitude Mantra Propaganda . Nigeria is indeed blessed We Hail Thee
pls this is just orwell making fun of twain any interpretations are solely yours not mine
insert sic (National Anthem Ist Stanza here )

An amanuensis (/əˌmænjuˈɛnsɪs/) is a person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another, and also refers to a person who signs a document on behalf of another under the latter’s authority.[1] The term is often used interchangeably with secretary or scribe.


oyinbo meaning

local nigerian  slang for whiteman aka  Honky   ( African Americans ) aka caucassian BUt not aka british american or german american nor anglo american where they came from